Happy Weekend!

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Happy Friday friends! I hope this cat picture gives you as much joy as it does for us! Although this weekend is supposed to be a little rainy, we’re planning on having some fun anyhow- HarpoonFest for Reg and Brimfield for Christa. Make sure to check out our Friday links & have a fab few days off! xo G&M

rkv // Loving this oh-so-cool beach photography series by Gray Malin

cct // Outfit pics can be hard work, and Wit & Delight has some great insight on keepin it cool in front of the camera

rkv // Chromeo feat. Solange? Yes, please.

cct // Being a woman is damn hard!

rkv // DIY bath bombs to relax away your aches and pains

cct // Is it bad that a few of these songs still come up every time a bunch of us get together and we have a little too much to drink? (ahem, Remix to Ignition, Hey Ya, All My Life…)

rkv // UM apparently the best bagels in Boston have been being sold around the corner from my house. So, that needs to happen in my belly. Like now.

cct // Oh rosemary, I love you so!

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