Happy Weekend!

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Wowie, Friday already! The countdown to halloween costumes has begun…what are you being?? Christa is twinning with a friend for a very fun, homemade costume, and Reg sadly has made very little progress on that front (but luckily her wardrobe allows her to be an impromptu gypsy at any moment). What’re you guys gonna be?? Have you checked out Studio DIY for ideas?? They’re all AMAZING.

Have a great weekend!

cct // Emily from Cupcakes & Cashmere has killed it with her Links I Love round up this week. That Carrie Bradshaw Best Boyfriends list and the How to Pronounce Difficult Beauty Brand Names were my favorite.

rkv // The perfect fall produce salad

cct // Guys, Space Jam is turning 20 this year! And because Space Jam will always have a special place in our hearts, and because my dad worked on it (!! make sure to check for his credit – Doug Tubach), make sure you catch it in theaters for their 20 anniversary screenings!

rkv // Holy savings – 60% off all sale items at Loft

cct // LOVE Iskra Lawrence!

rkv // 3 time management tips for work & everyday life

cct // When you just need a good laugh

rkv // 10 things to do when you’re feeling grumpy


G&M’s Fall Bucket List

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Fall is in full force now that it’s somehow the middle of October! The temps have finally lowered a bit and the sweaters are coming out. Before winter hits, we’re hoping to have the best fall ever…

Christa’s fall bucket list:
Hit up as many farmers markets as possible
Make donuts with my new donut pan (post coming soon!)
Figure out a storage system for storing my boots so they look this good next fall!
+ Actually watch Rosemary’s Baby this year
+ Travel to Boston more to visit Reg!
+ Hike more while the leaves are this gorgeous
+ Walk, instead of drive, to as many local things as possible
Finish Moby Dick by Thanksgiving

Reg’s fall bucket list:
Sunset wine on the Charles River with blankets
Hike Monad again!
Biking around the city
Make mulled spiked cider and wine
Walk the Arnold Arboretum
Teach a yoga class for my friends in the park
Get up early to take photos before the city wakes up
Bake all of the apple everything

What’s on your fall bucket list?


Happy Weekend!

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Happy Friday, all! Hope all of your weeks are winding down nicely, and you can all take the next couple of days to restore. I for one (Reg) have been feeling a little wrung-out lately, and am really looking forward to bringing myself back up to speed. I’m hoping to just hang in and catch up with friends, maybe do a little cleaning/organizing, and perhaps some window shopping here & there. Have a lovely weekend, see ya on Monday!

cct // 10 Reasons Being A ’90s Kids Made You A Better Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

rkv // An easy horseshoe braid

cct // I love reading about how people get their businesses off the ground – especially if it means living abroad! Taking notes… (Also, those embroideries are to die for!)

rkv // I’ve been living with at least 3 rotating roommates for the past 5 years, and can vouch that these tips are all effective!

cct // We as artists go through this, and as bloggers as well – the “burnout.” This article hits every nail on the head and we need to prioritize self care! Cheers to staying creative, healthy and happy!

rkv // Gotta love some Halloween themed cocktails

cct // I’m always trying to add more vegetarian meals into my routine – these all look great!

rkv // 45 life lessons, written by a 90 year old


Happy Weekend!

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Hello, all! What’s everyone up to this weekend? We’ve been LOVING this weather lately. Bright & sunny with a little chill in the air — perfect for a morning jog, afternoon bike rides, or apple picking. Too many adorable options to choose from (*cough, cough* basic b*itches?? Yup). Hope you all get a chance to enjoy these next couple of days, see you on Monday!

cct // What Should Your Old-Timey Name Be?

rkv // Oh scarf season, how we’ve missed you so — 20 scarves under $20 

cct // Guys, are any of you as excited as I am for Emily Henderson’s new book?? Love that lady

rkv // For those of you who are like me and constantly switch up things in their living spaces — 15 stylist secrets to transform a room

cct // Free People’s guide to New England Fall Road Trips (Also Flatbread made the list, woot woot!)

rkv // Some workout moves for us ladies with weak knees

cct // Cup of Jo with the perfect fall wardrobe 

rkv // 15 Halloween recipes inspired by monsters

DIY Halloween Costumes


How adorable is this popcorn costume?? Have you seen Studio DIY’s collection of DIY costumes? It’s pretty much her fall goal to create as many adorable costumes as she can each year — and she’s on point, per usual! We’ve been girl crushing pretty hard on her creative ideas… especially because most of them are food related! Here are some of our favorites from past & present:






Your Wish Come True




Ice Cream Cone


Lisa Frank Unicorn






Apple of My Eye






Fries Before Guys



Happy Weekend!

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Hello dearies — what’s everyone up to this weekend? Christa and I have been feeling pretty tangled in a million different webs these days, and can’t help but look forward to catching on up doing things that settle us back into ourselves. I personally would love to go to yoga and perhaps bake something, two things that always help me in feeling centered and grounded. Hope you all have beautiful weekends, see you on Monday!

cct // We as bloggers really know this is true about Instagram & photography in general, but it’s always nice to remind ourselves that there are some days that you can fake it, and some days that it’s ok that you can’t (let’s just live in the moment a little more, right?).

rkv // The upcoming sweater weather also calls for a new fall book list, yay!

cct // I’m traveling to California for 6 days in early October and encountering 2 extremes – blog hang out at the Ace Hotel, and hiking in Joshua Tree – so I am welcoming these tips & tricks on packing a suitcase well. Btw, I’m only taking a carry on rolling suitcase and a tote – eek!

rkv // Oh right, Halloween is also around the corner, and this is adorable

cct // I’m always interested in seeing how other bloggers do their hair! I’ve been eying a curling wand vs a clamping curling iron, and I think it’s time! Also the tip of adding a little pomade to your ends is genius.

rkv // Picnic season ain’t over, and I love this DIY

cct // Yeah girl, yeah – why perfect abs aren’t me

rkv // Emily Henderson’s home line from Target has finally been released, and it’s everything I dreamed it would be 🙂

VERY Last Minute Halloween Costumes

Oh no wayyy, we all slacked on Halloween again. Don’t worry — WE GOT YOU.

01. Holly Golightly


You need: black dress, stunner shades, and the tiara that you obviously have lying around (or any sparkly barrette). Feline friend optional.

02. Annie Hall


You need: white button down, vest, khakis, felt hat, and necktie. Bonus points: loafers, oversized glasses, and neurotic boyfriend.

03. Rosie the Riveter


You need: collared shirt, red bandana, liquid liner, and a ticket to the gun show.

04. Wednesday Addams


You need: black crew-neck shirt or dress, white collared shirt, two side braids, and a general morose demeanor.

05. Flapper 


You need: LBD  (you know you’ve been waiting for a chance to wear that trendy F21 drop waist you got on a whim), heels, those long pearls you got in high school & that cigarette you told yourself you wouldn’t smoke tonight

You know you’re creative enough to make one of these happen – Happy Halloween!

Image sources: Holly Golightly // Annie Hall // Rosie the Riveter // Wednesday Addams // Flapper

Happy Weekend!

happy weekend


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G&M will be reunited this Sunday to see Cheerleader (check out their band profile here), and we’re pretty pumped to meet up with a bunch of friends to cheer them on (ha, get it?). Christa will be visiting her brother at Roger Williams for family weekend, and Reg is going to be having a weekend of hostessing, with her old college from coming to visit on Saturday, and then Christa on Sunday and Monday. We’ll be wandering the streets of Boston on Monday, camera in hand – so hopefully we’ll have a post soon of our galavanting!

cct // Madewell’s sweater tips are much needed for this chilly sweater weather

rkv // Such a pretty Halloween face makeup idea!

cct // So I know that I just mentioned that it’s sweater weather, but I stumbled upon this drink and it’s beautiful and delicious looking, so I kind of want to make it now…

rkv // I’ve been super into watching scary things these days, so I was pretty pumped to see this list of the “25 Best Horror Movies Since The Shining

cct // I always wondered how people had such smooth looking faces back then! 

rkv // I’m a bit of an antsy person, so this list of ways to prep before public speaking

cct // I went to buy a ring on etsy the other day and I realized I didn’t exactly know what size that finger was (not one of my usual ring fingers I guess), and I remembered that Catbird has an amazing ring sizing cheat sheet that every girl should have!

rkv // The best way to store your salad greens so they keep longer

Happy Weekend!

Image courtesy of Alanna Taylor Tobin | The Bojon Gourmet

{image & recipe for Farmer’s Market Cornbread}

Happy Friday, friends! It looks like it’s going to be very Fall-ish this weekend, unlike last weekend, and we’re pretty excited! Christa is heading up to Vermont to visit family and check out the foliage and Reg is making brunch with the ladies tomorrow, followed by who knows what!

We’ve got our usual links below. Have a fabulous couple days off! xo G&M

cct // Speaking of foliage, how’s your state doing? CT is getting there, but it probably needs about a week or 2 for peak colors. Vermont looks like it should be just right for our visit this weekend! You can check out the US here, and state by state estimation here.

rkv // 20 ways to style the classic white button-down

cct // I heard a snippet of Lena Dunham’s Fresh Air interview with Terry Gross, and came across some videos she made to promote her book, and I’m impressed! I was happily surprised that although she is similar to Hannah on Girls, she is a much more aware and less self absorbed in real life (from what I could tell haha). This video made me like her even more!

rkv // Love this idea for DIY mismatched painted flatware

cct // I need to do this. right. now! Such a perfect DIY for my little apartment!

rkv // I mean, just because it’s Britain’s smallest horse.

cct // I have such a thing for bedding, and it’s always great to find out more tips and tricks! 

rkv // It’s October, so we can officially start thinking about Halloween costumes without seeming like the over-planners that we are. If you’re looking for some deas, here’s Buzzfeed’s “Which 90’s Halloween Costumer Should You Be?” quizz.